GrantsPlus grants, our largest and most competitive grants, are awarded to Christian organizations working at the intersection of poverty, violence, and inequality in the United States. These grants are particularly focused on education, workforce development, or reentry. For GrantsPlus grants, We Raise has a preference to partner with organizations located and serving communities in Chicago, St. Louis, or Milwaukee. GrantsPlus grantees receive a total of $100,000 over a three-year term and have access to a variety of value-added opportunities and resources during the grant term.
We Raise Foundation continues to serve as a first investor for new programs or organizations, while also making investments in existing programs or organizations that have proven to be highly effective in their field.
The intersection of poverty, violence, and inequality represents the critical obstacle to forming healthy communities and we believe organizations working through education, workforce development, and reentry provide the most intuitive pathways to solutions.
Our Three Funding Priorities
These funding priorities, along with a focus on particular geographic communities, enable We Raise Foundation to build deeper connections and relationships with our grantees, their communities, and the individuals and families they serve. These are key eligibility requirements for GrantsPlus in addition to our overall eligibility.

We believe equity in quality educational experience provides the greatest opportunity for stability and success. Preparation for a post-secondary learning experience is a cornerstone to breaking the cycle of poverty, violence, and inequality.
Target Population: We Raise Foundation has a preference for programs working with children in Kindergarten through 12th grade.

We believe a robust and qualified workforce is central to healthy individuals, families, and communities. We believe increasing employment opportunities remains central to breaking the cycle of poverty and crime and restoring social harmony.
Target Population: We Raise Foundation has a preference for programs serving adults who desire the education, skills, and training required to acquire living-wage jobs that support themselves and their families. We Raise Foundation also has a preference for building economic opportunity within geographic communities affected by poverty, violence, and inequality.

We believe inequality in the application of justice perpetuates violence and poverty. We believe formerly-incarcerated individuals offered support and training upon reentry will more likely become integrated, contributing members of society.
Target Population: We Raise Foundation has a preference for programs serving formerly-incarcerated individuals that help them re-integrate into society and put them on a path to success.
GrantsPlus grantees also receive critical capacity building services in the area of resource development.
How To Apply
- Programs must meet our general eligibility requirements here
- For GrantsPlus grants, We Raise has a preference to partner with organizations located and serving communities in Chicago, St. Louis, or Milwaukee
- You may review projects that have been previously funded in our Grants Directory
- All organizations interested in applying for a GrantsPlus grant are required to first submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) form in order to be included for consideration. You may submit your LOI through our grant portal here.
- Full proposals will also be submitted online through our grant portal once We Raise has reviewed your LOI and only after you have been invited to complete a full application
- A list of questions for the LOI or full proposal can be accessed on the grant portal for your planning and preparation purposes after you sign in
We Raise Foundation Theory of Change
We Raise Foundation’s Theory of Change, in conjunction with the mission, vision, and goals for our program, provides a clear statement of what we hope to achieve and how our programs, particularly our grant making, will achieve this vision.
A Theory of Change is the process of showing the steps that link program interventions with the big picture goal to be achieved. Ideally, it should show the impact of a program over time. While We Raise Foundation believes we contribute to a vision of people free from poverty, violence, and inequality, we see our primary role as partnering with and supporting Christian organizations and emerging leaders to develop sustainable programs that help people thrive through grant making, leadership development, and assistance with resource development.
Additional Information
Questions can be directed to the Programs staff here.
A select number of applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.
If a grant is awarded, our grantees are required to submit reports detailing the progress of the program, including outcomes measurement, financial reporting, photos of the program in action, and impact stories. Reports are required to be submitted every six months during the grant term and one two-year follow-up report after the grant term has ended. Failure to submit reports in a timely manner will make the sponsoring organization ineligible for future grants.
Schedule of Grant Cycles
Letter Of Inquiry Due
Full Proposal Due
Once Invited to Apply
Awards Announced
Open to all eligible programs
February 28, 2025
April 15, 2025
May 2025
Open to all eligible programs
September 30, 2025
November 15, 2025
December 2025
Oakland/San Francisco and Milwaukee
August 15, 2020
September 15, 2020
January 15, 2021
Open to all eligible programs
Letter of Inquiry Due
February 28, 2025
Full Proposal Due
April 15, 2025
Awards Announced
May 2025
Open to all eligible programs
Letter of Inquiry Due
September 30, 2025
Full Proposal Due
November 15, 2025
Awards Announced
December 2025