Capacity building is an investment in the effectiveness and future sustainability of an organization.
One of the ways We Raise Foundation provides capacity building educational support to grantee partners and other nonprofit professionals is by providing regular skill building webinars led by expert practitioners.
Featured Past Webinar
Powerful Proposals:
How to Craft and Deliver Proposals to Engage Donors
What is appropriate – and expected – when asking for a major gift? Explore the strategies behind developing a highly successful donor proposal and why this is an important element to a major gift request. Examples of proposals that have generated six, seven and even eight-figure gifts will be discussed to help you present your organization’s mission and the accompanying request in the most effective way.
What you will learn:
- Key Strategies for Building a Powerful Major Gift Proposal
- The work needed behind the scenes to build the right proposal for the right person
- What to include (and not include) for donors to look at when you leave

Paul Miles
In 25+ years of fundraising, Paul Miles has helped over 60 nonprofits secure the largest gift in their organization’s history. Since August 2015, Paul has served as the President and CEO of We Raise Foundation, Itasca, Ill. Prior to that, he was the Vice President for Development at Make-A-Wish® America in Phoenix, Ariz., for four years. In this position, Paul was responsible for all individual and foundation giving, including direct mail, digital, annual giving and grants, mid-tier, major and planned giving. Prior to Make-A-Wish® America, Paul spent 22 years with CCS Fund Raising – 12 years as a campaign director and 10 years as a limited partner. He helped his clients raise over $1 billion, culminating in a $593 million campaign for Habitat for Humanity International, where he also served as interim senior vice president of development. Other organizations he worked with included the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, St. Louis, Mo.; Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.; and Baylor Healthcare System, Dallas, Texas. He has been a frequent speaker and trainer in the field of resource development.