Imagining a New Approach to Nonprofit Grants – Read Paul Miles’ Article in Philanthropy Journal
On March 5, 2018, We Raise Foundation President, Paul C. Miles, contributed the following article to the Philanthropy Journal.
By Paul C. Miles, President and CEO, We Raise Foundation
Despite dramatic increases in wealth in our country, 43 million Americans live below the poverty line, with 1.5 million of them surviving on as little as $2 per day. Even with the continuing innovations in technology, communications, and social connection, for some in our communities, it can feel like the door to opportunity is closed. This represents a failure of imagination – to imagine what individuals and communities could become if unburdened by the oppressive nature of poverty and its associated conditions. What could that 8-year old girl become if she lived in a community where she didn’t have to fear for her safety on the walk home from school? Where college was assumed and not a “lottery level hope.” Perhaps she might build and lead a company. Hold elected office. Teach, create, inspire, lead. The possibilities are endless if the restrictions to life are lifted.
Read the entire article on the Philanthropy Journal website…