We Raise Awards New Emerging Leader Grant in Flint, Mich.
We Raise Awards New Emerging Leader Grant in Flint, Mich.
We Raise Foundation recently awarded a $15,000 Emerging Leader Grant to Rev. Christian Jones at the Flint Mission Network in Flint, Mich. Emerging Leader Grants are an investment in the development of leaders between the ages of 20-35 at Christian organizations who are leading new programs at the intersection of poverty, violence, and inequality.
Jones receives $15,000 over two years with $10,000 supporting the Flint Mission Network “Raising Children Up” project and $5,000 supporting leadership development. This leadership development includes attendance at a Leadership Fundamentals conference through The Center for Creative Leadership; attendance at the Global Leadership Summit through satellite locations; and individualized leadership coaching. Jones also receives an invitation to attend the annual Emerging Leader Convening in Chicago, hosted and paid for by We Raise, and promotion and networking within the We Raise community.
Proposals for the Emerging Leader Grant Program are accepted twice a year. The next deadline is September 30, 2022 with grants awarded in November. For more information regarding grant requests, please visit the website at weraise.org/emergingleadergrants.
Leader Profile:
Rev. Christian Jones is a lifelong church worker and currently serves as executive director of Flint Mission Network, Flint, Mich. Jones earned an Associate of Arts degree from St. Clair County Community College, Port Huron, Mich., in 2012 and received a Bachelor of Communication degree from Oakland University, Rochester Hills, Mich., in 2014. While pursuing his undergraduate degree, Jones worked as both a music director and office manager for various Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations in St. Clair County. In 2019, Jones graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., and is called by the Michigan District of the LCMS to serve as a missionary-at-large. Throughout his seminary career, Jones served at several congregations throughout the St. Louis area, primarily serving at both African-immigrant and African-American congregations.
Project Summary:
One of the chief focuses of Flint Mission Network is engaging in the physical, emotional, and spiritual development and wellbeing of the children entrusted to them. The Raising Children Up project will support the work of Mercy House and The Luke Clinic, which provide entry points into the lives of mothers and children. Mercy House is a long-term transitional housing ministry aimed at equipping mothers with the skills they need to physically care for and financially provide for their families in healthy, sustainable ways. The Luke Clinic promotes the health and wellbeing of the local population by providing accessible, high-quality medical care for expectant mothers and infants under 12 months of age. Participants in Mercy House and The Luke Clinic are also encouraged to attend free faith-building and community-based programming like Flint Mission Network’s Franklin Avenue Diner, where they will be provided access to free meals, clothing, and personal need items.
“We Raise Foundation’s grant will make a tremendous impact on the lives of those served by Flint Mission Network,” said Jones. “Being able to financially expand our ministry to better serve the needs of our neighbors and their children will produce much needed stability in our community and neighborhoods. Grateful does not begin to sincerely describe the amount of thanks I give to We Raise for their commitment to support us in being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ as we proclaim the Gospel, empower neighbors, and lift one another up in the city of Flint.”
About We Raise Foundation
Motivated by the belief that freedom is grace in action (Galatians 5:1a), We Raise Foundation partners with Christian nonprofit organizations and emerging leaders working at the intersection of poverty, violence, and inequality. We have a preference for funding solutions within the areas of education, workforce development, and criminal justice and employ a unique approach to our investing by coupling program funding with a variety of robust value-added services that empower our grantees to grow their solutions. As a result of these value-added services, every $1 that donors invest through We Raise multiplies into more than double the benefit to the organizations we support. To learn more, please visit weraise.org. You can also find We Raise on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.