We Raise Foundation Seeking Submissions for the 2023 Richard E. Herman Leadership Award - We Raise Foundation

We Raise Foundation Seeking Submissions for the 2023 Richard E. Herman Leadership Award

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We Raise Foundation Seeking Submissions for the 2023 Richard E. Herman Leadership Award

Itasca, IL – We Raise Foundation is searching for an inspired, young leader to honor with the Richard E. Herman Leadership Award. The award will recognize the commitment and service of one leader interrupting the cycles of poverty, violence, and inequality in the United States, whether through their professional work or as a volunteer.

The Leadership Award is intended to lift up the innovative, creative, and committed work of emerging leaders, encouraging and honoring them through a monetary award and support resources. This focus is driven by an understanding that Jesus’ life, ministry, and teachings involved deep engagement with and love for those on the margins of society. The Leadership Award seeks to honor an individual who is responding to Jesus’ prophetic gospel message that calls Christians to follow in His way.

The honoree will be between 20 – 35 years of age and will be chosen by We Raise staff. In recognition for their efforts to interrupt the cycles of poverty, violence, and inequality, the honoree will receive a cash award of $4,000 and an invitation to attend the Global Leadership Summit in their geographic area.

To apply for the award or nominate a qualified emerging leader, or to simply learn more, please visit weraise.org/leadershipaward. The deadline for applying is Friday, July 14,2023.

The Emerging Leader Award was established in honor of Dr. Richard Herman, We Raise Foundation’s fourth president (2006-2015), a passionate supporter and encourager of young adult Christian leaders.

About We Raise Foundation

Motivated by the belief that freedom is grace in action (Galatians 5:1a), We Raise Foundation partners with Christian nonprofit organizations and emerging leaders working at the intersection of poverty, violence, and inequality. We have a preference for funding solutions within the areas of education, workforce development, and criminal justice and employ a unique approach to our investing by coupling program funding with a variety of robust value-added services that empower our grantees to grow their solutions. As a result of these value-add services, every $1 that donors invest through We Raise multiplies into more than double the benefit to the organizations we support. To learn more, please visit weraise.org. You can also find We Raise on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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