Thy Kingdom Crumb - We Raise Foundation

Thy Kingdom Crumb


Thy Kingdom Crumb

  • Sponsoring Organization: AO1 Foundation
  • City/State: Zionsville, Ind.
  • Grant Program: Emerging Leader
  • Grant Amount: $15,000

Leader Profile:

Zach Wentz has served as the executive director of the AO1 Foundation since it launched in 2017. In this role, he is responsible for providing leadership and assisting with fundraising to ensure the mission of the foundation is carried out through its various initiatives. After graduating from North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, N.D., in 2012, Wentz became the Volunteer Assistant Coach for the NDSU baseball program while pursuing his master’s degree in administration, which he would later earn in 2016. He moved to Bismarck, N.D., in the fall of 2013 and served as a teacher and football coach at Century and Legacy High School for three years. After his brother, Carson, was drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in the 2016 National Football League Draft, Wentz and his wife, Andie, decided to move to Philadelphia to support him. Following his first professional season, Carson knew he wanted to use the platform the Lord has given him to serve others and the AO1 Foundation was born.

Project Summary:

Founded in 2018 in Philadelphia and expanded to Indianapolis in 2021, Thy Kingdom Crumb (TKC) is a mobile food truck that exists to “Demonstrate the love of God and to infuse His hope by feeding all people and uplifting communities.” Through the distribution of free, high-quality meals in food desert areas, TKC is meeting people exactly where they live, combating a major issue facing many food-insecure individuals – a lack of transportation. At each outreach, TKC has a team of volunteers present to greet guests, pray with and encourage them, answer any questions, and create an overall welcoming atmosphere. The team also distributes free spiritual resources to help individuals cultivate a healthy relationship with Christ. In 2023, TKC hosted 68 outreaches in Indianapolis and served over 11,200 free meals. In 2024, they have over 70 outreaches scheduled and will serve over 11,500 meals.

“Thy Kingdom Crumb is honored to be the recipient of a We Raise Foundation Emerging Leader Grant,” said Wentz. “Through food distribution and community outreach, we know that this grant will enable us to impact more individuals and families throughout Marion County. This grant only solidifies our belief that we have been called to bring food, hope, prayer, joy, and light into at-risk neighborhoods throughout Indianapolis.”

Proposals for the Emerging Leader Grant Program are accepted twice a year. The next deadline is September 30, 2024 with grants awarded in November. For more information regarding grant requests, please visit the website at

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