What Inspires You?

October 2017. Years ago, I worked closely with a leader of a worldwide organization that liked to use the southern phrase, “What melts your butter?” Or, in other words: “What inspires you?”

Dig In To Dig Out

September 2017. In recent days, we have watched a large portion of South Texas absorb the historic impact of Hurricane Harvey, which has destroyed more than 100,000 homes, altered [...]

Doing Life Together

August 2017. Welcome to the latest edition of the Wheat Ridge eNewsletter. This is always one of my favorite editions as we highlight some of our Emerging Leader Grant recipients. 

Being Good In The Gray

July 2017. If you’ve turned on a political show recently, you’ve likely been confronted by two distinct opinions to whatever subject was being debated. Right or left. Conservative or liberal.

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