Your Love is Helping Bright Minds Shine through Sunshine Gospel Ministries
Dillion takes to math problems like a fish takes to water. That’s how Jayson Cross described the fourth grader’s ability to breeze through complicated mathematical concepts.
“Dillion is exceptional. I would even say a genius. When I started tutoring him, I noticed he blew through math. So, I decided to challenge him with the Fibonacci sequence. He solved it right away,” said Cross, who has been providing one-on-one tutoring twice a week since January 2024 for Sunshine Gospel Ministries’ “Empowering Youth: Enhancing Academic Success through Tutoring” program.
Cross, a Roosevelt University graduate, is one of eight paid, experienced tutors from Educational Endeavors—a tutoring service contracted by Sunshine Gospel Ministries to help boost math and reading proficiency after the youth outreach staff noticed a drastic decline in scores among students in Chicago’s under-resourced communities after the COVID pandemic.
In March 2023, We Raise invested in Sunshine Gospel Ministries’ work with a $100,000 three-year GrantPlus Grant, which allowed them to hire part-time tutors and targeted academic support. More than 20 middle and elementary school students in the Woodlawn community are participating in the afterschool tutoring program.
“When I challenge the students and learning is treated like a competitive game instead of a chore, the students are more engaged in their tutoring sessions.” Cross’ pedagogical approach to learning helps draw out the individual’s academic strengths and has significantly impacted the students.
“I try to make it fun so they can step up their game. It’s more than just solving a problem. Like the old saying, ‘teach them how to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime.’ We give them the toolbox to solve a problem, direct them on where to find the information themselves, show them how to find errors, and they correct them themselves,” Cross explained.
Like Dillion, elementary school student Chase has also proven he has an aptitude for mathematical giftedness, is eager to learn, and possesses strong pattern recognition, which can be applied to other forms of mathematics. Some ways in which Cross increases Chase’s and other students’ engagement is through chess and the introduction of Python Enrichment, in which the students learn coding and draw and create their own emojis.
“The afterschool program provides an environment where the bar is constantly raised. These students have the capacity to learn and grow even more. My hope for these students is that they would have fulfilling lives, help bring positive change and influence, and be an asset to society and their environment,” Cross added.
“For those who support We Raise, I want you to know that We Raise is doing the work,” said Kim Salley, executive director at Sunshine. “It’s not just a check that comes in the mail. They are very intentional and hands-on in a way that is encouraging and supportive. They really raise the bar in helping us and how we serve. We are super grateful for We Raise and their donors.”
Thank you! Your generosity is helping Sunshine Gospel Ministries identify and provide critical learning opportunities and necessary resources for Woodlawn students to flourish and realize their potential for a thriving future.